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  • Writer's pictureCharles Zitta

Season of Shadows (Chapter 36 - Dark and Frozen)

The elevator doors opened, revealing the otherworldly terrain of lava, ice and snow deep beneath the hotel.

“I don’t know where our friends are, but my gut tells me they’re somewhere in or around that creepy jack-o-lantern,” said Alfred as the three Patrons scanned the area.

“My thoughts exactly,” added Clara.

“There’s footprints over there,” said Henry, pointing ahead to their left. “And they’re headed towards that pumpkin.”

“Well, at least we know which way to go,” said Alfred, taking off towards the tracks in the snow as the others followed.


“Thanks for the lift, my friend. Not sure I would have made it out alive on my own.”

“Just doing my part,” said Alexios. “Besides, three against one is hardly a fair battle.”

“That’s a good point.”

“Speaking of battles, our friends most likely could use our help.”

Frank brushed himself off and stood up. “I’m afraid you’re right. I saw something. Something not good,” he said while transforming into a black owl—the light charm embedded in his feathery chest.

“So tell me, what did you see?” asked the Alexios.

“There’s no time to waste. I”ll tell you on the way.”

Frank and Alexios took off from the remains of the burning hotel’s thirteenth floor to find their friends.


Ben, Michael, Midnight and Oteza quietly entered the giant jack-o-lantern through a doorway cut into its side, as frosted branches from above slowly snaked their way downward, unbeknownst to the trespassers.

“You hear that?” said Oteza.

“Hear what,” replied Ben.

“Ah, what is that!” shouted Michael.

The branches quickly reached out, wrapping around each Patron and pulling them tight against the thick wall of ice and snow.

Three Dark Thorns emerged from the shadows into the glow of the lava pit fire centered in the pumpkin’s large interior space. Their faces cloaked by black robe hoods.

“Look what we have here,” said Senkrad in stoic tone.

“Bait for the chosen outsider,” Kunn added.

Oltar held up a bony finger, silencing the others, then approached the Patrons who were restrained ten feet off the ground.

Their eyes widened. Their faces were petrified with fear.

The evil Dark Thorn raised his right hand high above his head and clinched it tight into a fist.

The branches tightened their grip on its helpless victims, who moaned in pain.

“Someone is approaching,” said Senkrad.

“Quick. Everyone, back into shadow,” said Kunn.

Oltar released his fist and the branches loosened their grip on Ben and the others.

The Dark Thorns drifted backwards, disappearing into the shadows from which they had emerged—there dark, soulless eyes watching undetected as the lava pit flames receded, making it very hard to see in the dimly lit room.

The sounds of galloping hooves coming to a sudden halt, followed by a horses bray rose from just outside the side door entrance, which swung open with a mighty THUD.

The crescent moon light silhouetted the tall, lean figure of the horseman as he entered the room—followed by Elontra and Tanion.

“You can come out now,” said the rider.

Elontra raised her left hand, bringing the lava pit flames back up to full intensity.

Kunn, Senkrad and Oltar reemerged.

“Reinforcements are on the way,” said the horseman.

“We’ll need to set a trap,” Tannion replied.

“They’re too smart for the likes of you,” Ben blurted out.

“The horseman turned and replied, “And I see the bait is already in place.”

“Bait, we’re nothing of the sort,” said Ben. “Free us from these frozen branches and we’ll show you just how—”

Elontra waved her hand, covering his mouth with a thin coat of ice. Instantly silencing Ben.

“Hey, what gives you the right to—”

“That’s wasn’t very—”

“Release my friends now or—”

Elontra silenced Michael, Midnight and Oteza in the same manner. “That should shut them up for a while, she said.

The restrained prisoners wiggled, grunted and squirmed. They had no way to escape and no way to shout out a warning to any approaching help.


The three council members had reached the hill of the jack-o-lantern and were gazing upwards upon its eerie glow.

“I don’t like this. It’s too quiet,” said Alfred, scanning the area.

“I agree,” added Clara. “And what’s with the lava? Shouldn’t it melt the ice and snow?”

“It’s not cold, so you’d think the ice and snow would melt,” Alfred replied with a grunt.

Ignoring his friends, Henry pulled a pen and small drawing pad from his pocket and sketched up three pairs of spiked boots, which leapt off the page and into the snow. “You’re gonna need these,” he said, looking up at the icy hillside.

“How thoughtful,” said Clara.

The three Patrons strapped on their boots and were about to begin their ascent up the frozen hill when an unexpected quake shook the ground.

Crops of giant icy-thorn branches burst through the hillside, one cluster after another—blanketing the entire hill from all sides to form and impenetrable barrier between the jack-o-lantern and those trying to reach it.

“I told you something wasn’t right about this place,” said Alfred.

“We’re gonna need more than just a pair of boots to climb this hill,” said Clara.

“Right,” Alfred replied.


The elevator barreled down into the depths of danger as the empowered boy readied himself for whatever would come next.

Slamming to a halt, the elevator doors slid open, welcoming the boy to a frozen nightmare of ice, snow and lava.

Off in the distance Charlie spotted three sets of colored lights slashing and smashing their way up a jagged, wintry hill populated by giant thorn branches and an enormous glowing jack-o-lantern—both, made of ice and snow. He continued to watch with curiosity as the dancing lights worked their way up the hillside then disappeared into the giant pumpkin.

The elevator shuttered, readying to go up.

Charlie jumped out into the snow and turned back to see its doors close and the arrow begin to move as it headed back up to the hotel.

The chosen outsider took off running towards the hill, not wanting to be anywhere near the elevator when it returned—unsure who, or what, may be on the other side of the doors when it did.


The elevator doors opened once again.

Alexios and Frank zoomed out into the dark, frozen expanse. Rising quickly, high above the wintry terrain below, they headed straight for the jack-o-lantern Frank had seen in his vision.

“I hope we’re not too late,” Frank shouted, as he and his partner soared across the sky.

“Looks like your mysterious friend is headed into the giant pumpkin,” said Alexios.

“I’m not sure if they’re friend or foe, but we’ll know soon enough.”

© 2024 Charles E. Zitta. Charles E. Zitta and Disney and the Wonder Within blog novels are in no way part of,  endorsed or authorized by, or affiliated with the Walt Disney Company or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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